Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Don't think of a plane crash

When: Sunday 5/10/09, 7:00 PM or so
Where: American Airlines flight 154 from Chicago to Boston
Who: Male, late 20s
What: Don't Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate by George Lakoff

My impression of this book is that it's basically Moral Politics abridged. I could be wrong, though. I was in the aisle seat; the man reading this was by the window. He very politely ignored the not-so-under-my-breath swearing and erratic behavior that characterizes me during turbulence.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is Moral Politics abridged. It's sort of Moral Politics light, laid out as a game plan for liberals to win political arguments over conservatives. George Lakoff did a lot for me with this book (and several of his other linguistic and political tomes) to sharpen my thinking and get "out of the box" in political argumentation. I highly recommend it.
